Saturday, November 12, 2005

First Post!

So I finally caved in, and made a blog. In fact I made two of them, one chronicling the upcoming addition to Sara and my household, and this one here. I doubt that many people will read this, but in the event that someone stumbles upon it, my sincerest apologies.

So I bought a DS, something I had promised myself that I wouldnt do. I dont know why I was against it so vehemently at first, but now that I bought it and have a couple games for it I'm really enjoying the diversion it provides. Eight hour charge time is lengthy enough for a full two shifts at work (or a shift at work and Sara stealing it during the day to play Tetris). I love the ability to play GBA games as well as DS games on it. The selection for DS games isnt as robust as I'd like yet, so being able to supplement it with the GBA titles really helps.

I bought Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (DS), Tetris Worlds (GBA) and Lunar Legacy (GBA) for it. Castlevania brought back memories of playing the earlier titles in the line, and feeds my craving for a nice side scroller with a light RPG feel. Lunar Legacy is a standard-fare RPG based on the Lunar titles from the PS. I was considering picking up the new DS Lunar game, but after looking at the reviews and screenshots I decided against. Basically it's a good story with easy RPG combat thats going to hold me over until FFIII for the DS comes out. I bought Tetris for the wife to play, and spend more time taking it out of the DS to plug Lunar in than I'd like, but at least she's getting some enjoyment out of the $130 investment.

Recently reinstalled World of Warcraft... I had a few months off from it and thought it was completely out of my system when I read about the upcoming 1.9 patch that's supposedly revamping the Paladin talents and fleshing out the numerous complaints that a majority of Paladins have with the class. More to come on that progression later.

Well, all this talking about games has me wanting to play one. Luckily I have a job that has about 40% of the shift being downtime, so hasta until next time.